Python Code Tutorials

How to Extract Video Metadata in Python

Learn how to extract video or audio file metadata in Python with the help of ffmpeg framework and its ffmpeg-python wrapper.

How to Reverse Videos in Python

Learn how to reverse videos by extracting frames and loading them in the inverted order using MoviePy library in Python.

How to Train BERT from Scratch using Transformers in Python

Learn how you can pretrain BERT and other transformers on the Masked Language Modeling (MLM) task on your custom dataset using Huggingface Transformers library in Python

How to Extract PDF Metadata in Python

Learn how to use pikepdf library to extract useful information from PDF files in Python.

How to Extract Frames from Video in Python

Making two different methods to extract frames from videos with the timestamp with OpenCV or MoviePy libraries in Python.

How to Concatenate Audio Files in Python

Explore different methods to join two or more audio files using either MoviePy, wave and PyDub libraries in Python.

How to Concatenate Video Files in Python

Learn how to join two or more video files using MoviePy library in Python

How to Combine a Static Image with Audio in Python

Learn how to add a static photo to an audio file to form a video file using MoviePy library in Python.

How to Extract Audio from Video in Python

Learn how to convert video to audio using ffmpeg and subprocess, or using MoviePy library in Python.

Age and Gender Detection using OpenCV in Python

Learn how to perform age and gender detection using OpenCV library in Python with camera or image input.

How to Sign PDF Files in Python

Learn how to generate self-signed certificates and sign them into PDF files as digital signatures using PyOpenSSL and PDFNetPython3 libraries in Python.

Gender Detection using OpenCV in Python

Learn how to perform gender detection on detected faces in images using OpenCV library in Python.

Age Detection using OpenCV in Python

Learn how to predict someone's age from his front face picture using OpenCV library in Python

How to Merge PDF Files in Python

Learn how to merge two or multiple PDF files into a single PDF file using PyPDF4 library in Python

How to Encrypt and Decrypt PDF Files in Python

Learn how to add and remove passwords to PDF files using PyPDF4 library, as well as using pyAesCrypt to encrypt and decrypt PDF files in Python

How to Compress PDF Files in Python

Learn how to compress PDF files in Python using the wrapper of PDFTron SDK.