Python Code Tutorials

How to Record a Specific Window in Python

Learn how to record a specific opened window in your Windows machine using pyautogui and pygetwindow libraries in Python.

How to Handle Files in Python

Learn how to work with files in Python using os and shutil modules including creating, renaming, moving, removing files and directories, listing all current files and directories and more.

Top 9 Python Libraries For Data Scientists and Machine Learning Engineers

Top python libraries and modules that every data scientist and machine learning engineer must know, learn and master.

How to Print Variable Name and Value in Python

Learn the best way to print variable name and value in Python using F-strings.

How to Get Google Page Ranking in Python

Learn how to use Google Custom Search Engine API to get the keyword position ranking of a specific page in Python.

How to Use Python to Program Hardware

Learn how to get started with programming hardware in Python by viewing the broad overview of the skills and processes needed to pair Python with hardware.

How to Extract Google Trends Data in Python

Learn how you can extract Google Trends Data such as interest by region, suggested searches, and more using pytrends unofficial library in Python.

How to Use Regular Expressions in Python

Learn how to use Python's built-in re module to use several string matching techniques using functions like match, search, finditer and sub.

How to Build a Complete CRUD App using Flask and Jinja2 in Python

Learn how to build the frontend of a CRUD application using Flask, Jinja2, Bootstrap and SQLAlchemy libraries in Python.

How to Make a YouTube Audio Downloader in Python

Learn how to build a GUI app that downloads audio (MP3) files from YouTube videos using Pytube and Tkinter libraries in Python.

Sentiment Analysis using VADER in Python

Learn how you can easily perform sentiment analysis on text in Python using vaderSentiment library.

How to Plot Weather Temperature in Python

Learn how to make an interactive plot that shows the temperatures forecast in a given city with matplotlib and requests libraries in Python.

Algorithmic Trading with FXCM Broker in Python

Learn how to use the fxcmpy API in Python to perform trading operations with a demo FXCM (broker) account and learn how to do risk management using Take Profit and Stop Loss

How to Upscale Images using Stable Diffusion in Python

Learn how to use stable diffusion 4x upscaler to upscale your low-resolution images into high quality images with Huggingface transformers and diffusers libraries in Python.

How to Make a Maze Game in Python

Learn how to build a maze game with Pygame library in Python.

Real-Time Vehicle Detection, Tracking and Counting in Python

Learn how to perform vehicle detection, tracking and counting with YOLOv8 and DeepSORT using OpenCV library in Python.