Python Code Tutorials

Feature Selection using Scikit-Learn in Python

Learn how to use Scikit-Learn library in Python to perform feature selection with SelectKBest, random forest algorithm and recursive feature elimination (RFE).

How to Build a Password Manager in Python

Learn how to build a secure custom password manager using Python. This tutorial walks you through encryption, data storage, and various functionalities like adding, retrieving, and managing passwords. Elevate your online security game with some hands-on coding.

How to Create Plots with Plotly In Python

Learn how to use the visualization tool Plotly to implement and create dynamic plots and figures (such as scatters, histograms, and candlesticks) in Python.

How to Build a Spreadsheet App with Tkinter in Python

Learn how to make a simple spreadsheet app like Excel, where cells can reference each other and make calculations using Tkinter library in Python.

Image to Image Generation with Stable Diffusion in Python

Learn how you can generate similar images with depth estimation (depth2img) using stable diffusion with huggingface diffusers and transformers libraries in Python.

How to Make a Text Editor using Tkinter in Python

Learn how to build a simple text editor that opens and saves text files using Tkinter library in Python

Dropout Regularization using PyTorch in Python

Learn the importance of dropout regularization and how to apply it in PyTorch Deep learning framework in Python.

Fine-tuning BERT for Semantic Textual Similarity with Transformers in Python

Learn how you can fine-tune BERT or any other transformer model for semantic textual similarity using Huggingface Transformers, PyTorch and sentence-transformers libraries in Python.

Named Entity Recognition using Transformers and Spacy in Python

Learn how you can perform named entity recognition using HuggingFace Transformers and spaCy libraries in Python.

How to Perform DNS Enumeration in Python

Learn how you can extract DNS information of a domain name such as nameservers, IP addresses, email services and more using dnspython library in Python.

How to Build a Full-Stack Web App in Python using FastAPI and React.js

Learn how to build a full-stack notes web app using FastAPI, ReactJS, SQLAlchemy and SQLite.

How to Build a Chat App using Flask in Python

Learn how to build a web-based chat room application using Flask and Flask-SocketIO libraries in Python.

How to Crack Hashes in Python

Learn how to crack hashes using Python's hashlib library and a brute-force approach with a wordlist. Gain insights into various hashing algorithms and understand the importance of secure data handling.

A Guide to Explainable AI Using Python

An overview of model explainability and interpretability fundamentals, AI applications, and biases in AI model predictions. We looked at utilizing SHAP and LIME to explain a Logistic Regression model and how to explain and interpret an ensemble model.

How to Build a Tic Tac Toe Game in Python

Learn how to build a tic tac toe game using the Pygame library from scratch in Python.

How to Make a Checkers Game with Pygame in Python

Learn how to build a checkers game from scratch with the help of Pygame library in Python.