Python Code Tutorials

How to Make a Rich Text Editor with Tkinter in Python

Learn how to make a simple rich text editor where we can set a number of predefined styles for parts of the text via a Graphical User Interface (GUI) using Tkinter in Python.

Logging in Python

Learn how to use Python's built-in logging module to log your Python applications, changing default format, level, and learning in a concrete example, as well as using logging handlers.

How to Fine Tune ViT for Image Classification using Transformers in Python

Learn how to fine tune the Vision Transformer (ViT) model for the image classification task using the Huggingface Transformers, evaluate, and datasets libraries in Python.

Word Error Rate in Python

Learn what is Word Error Rate (WER) metric that is widely used in Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and how to implement it in Python along with using third-party libraries like jiwer and evaluate.

How to List Wi-Fi Networks in Python

Discover how to effortlessly find open Wi-Fi networks around you using Python. This in-depth guide walks you through using OS commands and Python libraries to scan and list available open Wi-Fi networks on both Windows and Linux systems. Perfect for busy urban environments.

How to Query the Ethereum Blockchain with Python

Learn how to interact with Ethereum blockchain like retrieving blocks, check for validation, making transactions and more using Python.

How to Make an Image Editor in Python

Learn how you can build a simple GUI image editor with Tkinter, pillow, ttkbootstrap libraries in Python

How to Build a GUI Currency Converter using Tkinter in Python

Learn how to build a GUI currency converter using ExchangeRate API and Tkinter library in Python.

How to Build an English Dictionary App with Django in Python

Learn how to build a simple dictionary application using Django web framework and PyDictionary library in Python.

How to Make a Text Adventure Game in Python

Learn how to make a simple text adventure game with Python using the os, json, and pyinputplus modules.

Image Captioning using PyTorch and Transformers in Python

Learn how to use pre-trained image captioning transformer models and what are the metrics used to compare models, you'll also learn how to train your own image captioning model with Pytorch and transformers in Python.

How to Create a Platformer Game in Python

Learn how to build a platformer game from scratch using PyGame library in Python.

How to Make a Language Detector in Python

Explore different libraries for detecting natural languages such as langdetect, langid, googletrans, and language-detector in Python.

How to Make a Planet Simulator with PyGame in Python

Learn how to build a planet simulator using pygame library in Python

How to Make an Accounting App with Django in Python

Learn how to build an accounting application using the Django framework and Bootstrap in Python.

How to Perform Malaria Classification using TensorFlow 2 and Keras in Python

Learn how to build a deep learning malaria detection model to classify cell images to either infected or not infected with Malaria Tensorflow 2 and Keras API in Python.