Web Scraping Tutorials

Learn how to build web scraping scripts to download, extract and parse structured data from the web using Python.

How to Convert HTML Tables into CSV Files in Python
How to Convert HTML Tables into CSV Files in Python

Extracting HTML tables using requests and beautiful soup and then saving it as CSV file or any other format in Python.

How to Make an Email Extractor in Python
How to Make an Email Extractor in Python

Building a Python tool to automatically extract email addresses in any web page using requests-html library and regular expressions in Python.

How to Build a XSS Vulnerability Scanner in Python
How to Build a XSS Vulnerability Scanner in Python

Building a Python script that detects XSS vulnerability in web pages using requests and BeautifulSoup.

How to Extract All Website Links in Python
How to Extract All Website Links in Python

Building a crawler to extract all website internal and external links using requests, requests_html and beautiful soup in Python.

How to Download All Images from a Web Page in Python
How to Download All Images from a Web Page in Python

Learn how to extract and download images from a single web page in Python using requests and BeautifulSoup libraries.

How to Extract Weather Data from Google in Python
How to Extract Weather Data from Google in Python

Scraping Google weather search page to extract useful information such as current weather, temperature, next days' weather and much more in Python using requests and Beautiful Soup.

How to Extract YouTube Data in Python
How to Extract YouTube Data in Python

Scraping YouTube videos and extracting useful video information such as title, total views, publish date, video duration, tags, likes and dislikes and more in Python using requests_html and Beautiful Soup libraries.

How to Extract Wikipedia Data in Python
How to Extract Wikipedia Data in Python

Extracting data and searching in Wikipedia, getting article summaries, links, images and more using Wikipedia library in Python.

How to Make Facebook Messenger Bot in Python
How to Make Facebook Messenger Bot in Python

Making a facebook messenger chat bot in python using fbchat library, you can make customized auto messages and bots, get user information, and much more handy tools.