Code for How to Plot Weather Temperature in Python Tutorial

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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.widgets import RadioButtons
import seaborn
import requests
import json

# Define some Locations to choose from.
# Latitude and Longitude
locations = {
    'Schaffhausen': ['47.7', '8.6'],
    'Sydney': ['-33.86', '151.20'],
    'Kyiv': ['50.4422', '30.5367'],
    'Constantine': ['36.368258', '6.560254'],
    'Yakutsk': ['62.0', '129.7'],

# Setting Up Matplotlib, using the OOP Approach
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# the plot is created with the first location
p = None

# make a function to get the temperatures of a given location
def getTemperatures(location):
    # get the lat and long of the location
    lat, lon = locations[location]
    req = requests.get(f'{lat}&longitude={lon}&hourly=temperature_2m')
    req = json.loads(req.text)
    # get the tempratures
    temperatures = req['hourly']['temperature_2m']
    # get the times
    times = req['hourly']['time']
    return times, temperatures

# Make a dictionary with the locations as keys and the getTemperatures() function as values
location2data = {}
for location in locations:
    location2data[location] = getTemperatures(location)

def changeLocation(newLocation):
    global p
    # get the data of the location from the dictionary
    times, temperatures = location2data[newLocation]
    if p:
        # reflect changes in the plot
        # Make a Plot and save the first object to a variable
        # p will be a Line2D object which can be changed at a later time
        p = ax.plot(times, temperatures, ls=':', lw=3)[0]
        # set the x-axis to the times
        xRange = list(range(0, 168, 24)) + [168]
        # set the y-axis to the temperatures
        yRange = list(range(-20, 55, 5))
        plt.tick_params(axis="both", which='both', labelrotation=-10) # rotate the labels
    # set the title
    ax.set_title('Temperatures in ' + newLocation)

# Call the change Location function for the first time

# Making the Radio Buttons
buttons = RadioButtons(
    ax=plt.axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2]),

# Connect click event on the buttons to the function that changes location.

# adjust the plot size
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, bottom=0.40)

# Label the Plot
ax.set_xlabel('Times [Next Seven Days]')
# ax.xaxis.label.set_color(labelColor)

ax.set_ylabel('Temperatures [Celcius]')
# ax.yaxis.label.set_color(labelColor)

plt.savefig('file.svg', format='svg')